AmigaActive (563/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:6 May 2000 at 19:57:41
Subject:HTML Help needed!

Back on Cu-list many moons ago, someone on the list helped me out with some
Javascript code for a nifty Links Page device on my webpage. What happened
was that when you selected something from a drop-down gadget, and a
corresponding page would be then opened in an "IFrame". You then pressed the
GO button to go to a different page.

However, I lost the code for this some time ago when my hard drive got
screwed up and had to be replaced.

I'm wondering if the person who gave me the code (I think it was either
"Mex" or someone else with an X in their name :) still has a copy of it, or
could help me out again.

Alternatively, can anyone with Javascript knowledge tell me, how do I change
the html page that an IFrame points to, depending on what's selected in the
drop-down select box?


Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
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32. You look a bit like Bill Clinton.

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